Support us

We would really appreciate your support. We’re on a quest to access and borrow as many old photographs, postcards and other historical records of Wrington to enable us to scan and digitise them. Once scanned, we’ll return all borrowed items to their owners.

We’ve already received an enthusiastic response to the project and scanned over 800 photographs. However, we believe there are many more out there in Wrington’s community, perhaps hidden away in boxes, cupboards, drawers, lofts or sheds. Many of these will have been captured on camera with interesting and fascinating stories of Wrington’s social and industrial history linked to them.

If you have any photographs or other relevant images that relate to Wrington please do get in touch. Also, if you know anything about the people, places and stories linked to the photographs in the Wrington Thru the Lens Gallery, we will be delighted to hear from you.